2x4 Poster and Print Frames


These are some picture frames I made just using 2×4′s from lumber yards. I used driest ones I could find. In some instances, they may have sat around my wood stove heated shop for several months after they were purchased.

The tree one is five feet tall. For it, I just did deep tunnel cuts, routed the upper edges, then burned and wire brushed the tunnels, then sanded the face, before finishing them.

The one with the T&G sandwiched is about five feet wide. and is 2×4′s cut down to 2×2′s.

The Rainier Beer poster is only about two feet tall and is from big box cedar 2x’s.

All of these are around thirty to forty years old now.

The point of this is not that I think these are remarkable. Rather, it’s that we can make do with a lot of materials we might, mistakenly, think cannot be used, merely because we are used to using them, or seeing them used for other purposes. However, common 2×4 lumber is just as usable as that walnut, oak, maple or other log or branch we come across, or that oak pallet, or. . . . Obviously, each piece of wood has unique characteristics and must be treated accordingly.

You proved you don’t need an exotic wood to make a beautiful frame….well done!

Measure "at least" twice and cut once

Those are very different picture frame. They have their own personality.

Very nice.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Nice work

Drink twice... don't bother to cut @ lazylarrysworkshop.com.au

Well done.nice frame.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker