American's Creed


I came across The American’s Creek quote and I just had to carve it. The biggest challenge was how would I present this quot to show it’s true importance. I chose to make the complex mahogany frame to grab your attention and draw you in to see just what there might be inside it’s borders. After I carved the quot I wanted to add some kind of decoration and I found that the complex frame added a degree a difficulty that I wasn’t expecting but after many design ideas I settled on what you see.

The piece is 42” x 29” made of mahogany and basswood. The mahogany frame is stained and the basswood panel was bleached and then chip carved. The frame is one of those things that when making it just has to be near perfect or it won’t lay flat.

— " All Things At First Appear Difficult"

Roger Strautman

Very nice.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Very cool ,a very complicated design,great design and build.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker