trays with beautiful wood


back in march i cut down a walnut tree and i needed help getting it to my place and to the sawyer, so a neighbor who had a nice tractor came and hauled the logs up to my place and then on his trailer to the swyer, then this summer he brought me lots of veggies fresh from his garden, so i wanted to gift him for all of that, so i made these for him and his wife , they are made of cherry, walnut and mimosa, the handles are walnut…i finished them with lacquer and sanded them to 600 grit, there as smooth as a babies bottom…thank you taking a look. grizzman

"the grizz" [''''']

Gorgeous trays, Bob! I’m sure they will be cherished for a lifetime.

Lew- Time traveler. Purveyor of the Universe's finest custom rolling pins.

I would say " beautiful trays from wood" :)
You are right the wood is beautiful. I will add that the trays are equally beautiful.

You are lucky to have a whole walnut tree for yourself. Walnut is expensive now, at least in my area. 4 to 5" $8/bf. $12 for the wider boards. That’s $3/bf more than June prices.

I wish I had a bigger shop where I can stock up when prices are good.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great tray, Bob. Your work is so distinctive and beautiful.


That is a beautiful and neighborly gift. I’m sure it will be well received.

Losing fingers since 1969

Not just beautiful wood Bob, beautiful work too.

Mike, an American living in Norway

That’s one gorgeous tray Bob.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker