Side Table - Prototype


In Cherry and Maple, this side-table is a thought that I had on something to site alongside a contemporary chair. It is a prototype… to access proportions, visual weights and measures, and to re-engage a shop that I’ve been absent from – a polite way to say that I’ve made mistakes on this piece that I normally would not. Regarding posting this piece, I often search woodworking sites looking for design ideas – this may provide some considerations for like-minded travelers..

Standing 24" tall, 16" deep, and 28" wide, it is relatively small, and continues a recent trend of a very open design (though, the weighting of the legs is heavier than I prefer, and adds a visual bulk to the piece – my daughter disagrees with me, though, she may just being kind!). All joinery is M&T (floating), and the finish is one coat of Sealcoat and two coats Deft Interior Poly – I recommend both.
The maple legs are a two-piece composite, to allow for the arcs – they have a progressive curve starting with approximately 3" of vertical straight length, spanning 11" at the top flat. the top has a 2" flat to provide a glue surface to the top underside.
From a design perspective, the arcing legs are either visually interesting or a distraction – some will say that it does not have a clean elegant look: given the piece’s small size, there may be too much going on. From my perspective, taking some of the weight off the legs should prove beneficial.

I’ll re-make this piece with the following changes, and I hope absent some amateurish mistakes on the M&Ts.
The legs are 1.25" – I’ll probably thin this to 1", with the width decreasing from 1.5" to 1.25". I could increase the quarter-round radius… but I’m undecided on this.
I’ll spray the finish, as I usually do. For this piece, I brushed-on the three coats, and I’m not good with brushing.

I hope you find the piece interesting; and, I’m always interested in serious feedback

Very interesting concept. Some good ideas.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Thanks for the response. I’ve been away for a while, and post only my personal projects.
I’ve solicited feedback on this, with Lumberjocks providing some surprising thoughts… I have found this site to have the more experienced woodworkers, with consistently more insightful comments.
I’ll thin-down the legs and plinth, and eliminate the contrasting end-caps to the plinth.
This is the final piece in a three-piece set, and I’m looking forward to experimenting with different design ideas.
I wish you well.

Cool design totally unique and looks great too.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Good to hear from you… I hope all is well on your end.
I’ve been taking care of family and property details these past several months, and I was anxious to get back into the shop .. I get the sense, on this project, that I should have taken time for an extra coffee break when judging the visual weight. My granddaughter (14) has already sat on it… as kids do; so maybe the over-build is a good thing..
The piece sits in an area with morning sun, and the Cherry is beginning to darken.

You and Madts take care.