Getting ready for harvest season and I thought some baskets would be in order .
This one is made from resawn knotty teak that is steam bent and a bottom from some unknown wood ,the handles are braided leather lace which are fitted to the basket with little shaped walnut end retainers .(for the lack of a better word ) . Leather lace to hold the joint and a bit of glue around the bottom.
Just a coat of linseed oil and ready to go ,a fun little project for a early morning in the shop .
Here are a few pics of the little retainers and how I made them .

Took a little piece of scrap walnut and drilled the holes fot the braided leather handle .
Cut out four patters from a folded piece of paper and glued them on the wood .
Cut out the pieces with the bandsaw and threaded in a bolt which has the threads ground at the end .
Clamped it to the bench with a F clamp and a little piece of plywood as a spacer .
Makes it easy to shape this way .


Very nice.

look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's a big hunk of the bowl I was turning.

Klaus, beautiful basket! Leather and wood are a great combination. How did you attach the bottom?


“. . . a fun little project for an early morning in the shop .” Are you saying you accomplished making this basket all in one morning? Boy, I wish I could work at that speed. Maybe I’d actually get something accomplished!

The basket is really lovely. What a way to make your produce into a show piece!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

this is a lovely project, ive always wanted to make some, i need to fix myself up a medium steamer…thanks for sharing, this is a sweet project and you did quite well.

"the grizz" [''''']

Thanks for the comment Munchy

Thanks Tim
I was thinking at first to pin this one using small dowels but decided to glue it with PVA and see what happens and yes the wood leather combination is something that works for me .
Yes it was finished in one morning except the bending which I did a week ago and let it dry out for a bit .
I did not use a steamer for this ,just let it soak in warm water and fabric softener for an hour and then heated it with a hot air gun and used the bottom (two) as a form and let it sit for a few days .


Very nice basket Klaus; lovely.

Every time I see one of your project I fell I should make the same.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very beautiful. This will make a nice gift.

Losing fingers since 1969

Another cool design an great idea.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I love this! It looks really medieval!

Yes, I'm the weird girl who does pyrography...:) Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop at !