Celtic Knot Rolling pin


I saw one of these in a gift shop and researched how to make it.

The glue-up is complex, and I built a jig to facilitate the sawing, glue-up and clamping. After the blank is created, it is turned on the lathe and the caps are added to hide the lathe center marks.

This one is made of Brazilian Cherry and Maple. It is 18 inches long and 1.8 inches in diameter. It is sanded to 220 and finished with food grade mineral oil.


Any cook would be thrilled to use this rolling pin! Beautiful. I would be interested (maybe next time) to see how the pattern looks in the wood before you start the turning process.


I wondered what the end design was .. but of course- the turning!!! Brilliant.

Well done.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I wondered what the end design was .. but of course- the turning!!! Brilliant.

Well done.

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit