writing desk organizer shelf, prototype


A desk without drawers is really just a table, but I’d always planned to make something to go on top. To hold some paper, notebooks, music, books and what have you. I’ve been bouncing back and forth with a few design ideas, trying to find the balance between small and minimalist, while also wanting something big and useful.

I was going to dive right in, and glue up some mahogany (or possibly cherry to match the rest of the bedroom set)… when a lightbulb went off. Since I couldn’t decide on size/scale/features, why waste the time and (good) materials, but instead build a prototype. Gasp, what a novel idea! This might be the first time I’ve ever tried knocking around an idea in 3D before diving into the final version. Adam Savage would be proud.

My dad built me a desk in college. Something quick using an existing file cabinet, some off the shelf wood looking melamine (shelving) from the BORG, and some “L” brackets. It sounds like it might have been a bit of a Frankenstein, but it was great. It provided a generous amount of workspace for books, papers, art supplies and my computer… but what I loved (and haven’t had since) was the utility of the over the desk storage shelving. Just a simple design with 2) 1×12 shelves and a homosote backboard. It was practical, looked good, and kept everything within reach – but also out of the way.

That was a bigger desk, this is scaled down. So it needs to be appropriately sized, but still useful, and able to be kept tidy.

This desk could double as work from home space for my wife in the event of “continued global whatever,” a study space for the kiddo if someone else is monopolizing the computer, or a retreat for myself if I want to tackle some creative/secret project. So far it’s been a (comfortable) haven for countless Zoom meetings.

I have a vague sense of how I want it to look, I’ll likely cut curves into the sides to minimize the bulk of it. This super quick build was made, installed, taken down and remade once already (in one morning). The shelves are 11", 9" and 5.5" deep from top to bottom. The smallest is set back, and out of the way for media or smaller notebooks, the middle shelf for a couple full size notebooks or legal pads. I’m trying to limit the unit to hold what is actively/frequently needed. I’ll live with it for a while, tweak the form/function if/when necessary… and eventually, I’ll make the “final” version.


Nice clean build Scott.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker