Gift orders


I was asked to make a gift box for a customer to give her husband for Christmas and this gave me a chance to use some of the Rosewood that I had stashed away. And since my Buddy is having his 60th birthday this week, I made two. WoW, was it nice to work with. It planes and cuts like walnut. Simple mitered corners with Bubinga splines. QS red oak lids & feet. Finished with danish oil and they will get waxed tomorrow. With copper wire as a hinge pin. I think that boxes are my favourite thing to make right now. Peace all. ?

My Woodshop is my happy place?

super looking boxes

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Great looking boxes! How are they hinged?


I drill a hole in just the right spot and set in a piece of copper wire. And a drop of CA glue sets it in place. Hope that helps.

My Woodshop is my happy place?

Beautiful boxes. The lids are great design. The hinges are nifty too. Is that just electrical wire? That gives me an idea about some small brass rod I have.

Losing fingers since 1969

Nice stuff.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Yes, just #14 copper wire. And my clamps are bands of inner tubes???? I’m a simple guy in a simple shop
Thanks all.

My Woodshop is my happy place?