Birthday Bowl update


Well gang my pattern for the octagon bowl went up in chips a couple days ago.As you can see in the picture I already had inlaid a ring of Cherry , buy the time I got all the pattern off I lost the Cherry inlay too. So now I am inlaying rings of Cherry again . I cut 4" long pieces and then clamp them over night with big hose clamps . Have 2 more days of this process and then I will decide what to do with the top. I figured out what went wrong , when I was turning the bowl some of the patterns were bigger than others . By the time I got close to the same size some of them disappeared . My mistake was getting dimension B right on the money when I should have worried about dimension A more. As soon as I get caught up I’ll try again

……..If you can’t afford it ’ build it.


Looks like an interesting design.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Those dimensions A and B can sometimes be tricky .
Transposing over into the hypermetric , one may have to
switch to basic numbers , example :….’ A squared + B
squared = 4 ’ . The number 4 is representative of the
Fourth Dimension . It is in this dimension that all those pesky miscalculations happen, and there is nothing we can
do about that , except move forward thru space and time,
mystified by quantum numeric abnormalities . Good luck.

You’re a good man , Wheaties . I am sure your turning will
come out beautifully.

Looks beautiful and very unique Bruce.


The turning didn’t go so well . It blew apart on me . This is the first bowl I was not able to save . I will have to start all over again and this time I will get it right. I may have lost a bowl but , I gained a world of information and experience . Right know I have to make the trophies for The Dancing on the Bridge , Malvern ,OH. 1st and 2nd place for the Valve Cover Race and 1st and 2nd place for the Hotwheels Race.
