hot tub room , last piece of trim.


I finally was able to trim the transom window in the hot tub room. First I had to add one more curved piece of oak plywood . It took 4 tries . The first one , the plywood snapped in half because of a hollow spot in the wood . The second one snapped when I was trying to remove it to add glue . The third I was able to get it in and out and glued and back in. But dummy me I put it in backwards .So I had to remove it and all the braid nails . The fourth on I ran across the hot tub between the top of the tub and the cover . After about 15 minutes I put the glue to it and in it went . Then I started cutting the trim in 4 " lengths at what ever angle it took . I put one on the left and the one on the right and met in the middle . It took 25 pieces of trim to do the job. The good thing is the room is done all but the wall mural. I finished it with boiled linseed oil.


All done now it’s hot tub time,Enjoy!

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker