Desert Ironwood Brass Setting Hammer


I was able to get ahold of a piece of desert ironwood straight from a friends property in the Tuscan Desert. After milling the log, one piece was the perfect size for a setting hammer handle. Having recently made another one out of mulga, tge process was fresh in my mind and the project took about 3 hours start to finish.
The mortise was drilled, the holes were connected using a chainsaw file, then the corners were squared up using a mill file. Two of the wallls of the mortise were filed at a 2.5 deg. angle, and the tenon is double wedged and epoxied in place.
The handle is just shy of 10.25" long and was shaped using a super aggresive half round bastard file and smoothed with a very fine file.
If i remember correctly, the final piece came in at just under 12oz.
The purpose of a setting hammer is to adjust the irons in your old wedged planes. The head is brass, as to not mushroom the head of you plane irons.

The Last Mallet

nice work

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Good work very nice

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

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