Louisiana Sinker Cypress Watch Box


This box is created from some Louisiana Sinker Cypress for an upcoming show my wife and I are doing this weekend in Texas. Most of my sculpted boxes do not have drawers…in fact I have made just three others with drawers that are sculpted…two were commissions for watch collections and the other was just a whatever purpose.
It is 12×10×8 and the bottoms are lined with alligator leather.
I sealed it with water based spray poly to keep the grain from having that yellowish tint. The photos make it look way more yellow than it actually is. This is just my poor photography skills.

Greg the Cajun Box Sculptor

Beautiful box Creg!
The carving and the wood color make it looks like shifting sand dunes.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Great box, Greg.
So nice to see them again.


Another keeper, Greg! Keep them coming.

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian

Thanks lanwater, Ellen and Martin…I have so much fun making these boxes and each one gives me an idea or two that I can incorporate in other pieces. I know many of us do woodworking for a living and many do it for a hobby but it also is most important that what we do is creative.

Greg the Cajun Box Sculptor

Very nice work and yes I agree very creative.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

i feel more welcome to comment here as i know none of my words will be changed, this is a really grand piece, the amount of carving has made this one a real classic, i imagine it takes a lot of work to carve the old cypress, and this one turned out grand.

"the grizz" [''''']

Design, drawer ,deviders .tray ,sculpted very nice Greg .
This is my favorit of all the boxes you have posted but I like them all

Your boxes are always very cool Greg,nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker