Eight Ellipse Box


Another small box, this time walnut and cherry. I inlayed cherry ellipses into the top before shaping the top and used segments to make the bottom half of the box (similar to segment bowl turning).

I created a Flickr album detailing some of the steps I took to make the box.
“Eight Ellipse Flickr Album”:



Great work.
It’s a bit more complex in term of construction than I thought.

Thanks for the pics.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Very skillful. How on earth did you cut the ellipses into the walnut so perfectly? Great job.

Losing fingers since 1969

I designed the box using Aspire software and did the initial cutting on a ShopSabre23 CNC machine. I first cut the eight maple ellipses, then cut the corresponding holes in the walnut. The first time I cut the walnut the holes were too small, so I increased the size of the holes by .015". This resulted in enough clearance for the ellipses (good tight fit).

I built a “Wedgie sled:” :http://www.segeasy.com/wedgies.htm
to cut the segments. The Wedgie sled is a great idea, the sled works very well.

Thanks for all the comments.


This is outstanding nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker