Tower k-cup holder that rolls


This is an example of what I have created using reclaimed pallet wood. This tower stands just over 16", is just over 6" in diameter, and as you can see, is in a hexagon shape. The tower holds 42 clips with seven clips per side. The rollers on the bottom allow the user to roll it out from a back corner on the counter, no dragging. I sand everything to 320, inside and out. I stain and poly the inside before assembly taping the joints. The outside has two coats of poly satin over the stain. I wet sand between coats. Each hole is 1-1/2". I have sold 15 of these in the two years, lots of fun to build.



That’s a cool idea.
Well done!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thats cool James. I think I’ll make one for my niece.
Do you angle the holes? To keep the cups from falling out.

Darrin McArthur

cool design nice work.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

Very cool design. Lovely idea for a gift

- Man most valuable tools are his hands, his brain and the passion he delivers to his projects -

Darrin, the holes are cut at 1-3/8" and the friction alone holds the cups in place. I use 3/8" stock for the slats which gives the cups plenty of meat to hold them. Thanks for looking.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. :-)


Darrin, I told you wrong. The holes are 1-1/2" not 1-3/8". My apologies, got thinking of something else, old age setting in.


I am glade that everybody knows what a clip is!. I have no idea. 42 clips is a respectable number what ever it is.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

Madts, sorry, a clip is supposed to be a cup, a k-cup. Proof reading would greatly be beneficial to me.


Great idea and very functional.

Main Street to the Mountains