Owl apron & cloth hanger


This was a gift for my Mother on Mother’s day. She loves owls and she has many of them in various forms so the challenge was to have something done by his son – Me – and to be different from a simple figure or a drawing which she already has. So in one of those visits I made to my parents’ home I took some minutes to see what she “was missing” and how could I fill in “that gap” So I noticed that inside the kitchen she did not have any Owl and she has little space. So I put my mind to work

I googled through many projects and I finally decided to make her a sort of Apron & Cloth hanger which she uses a lot. Her house is classic fashioned so colors are dark browns and white walls with very little bright or light colors, so I decided to make something different and experiment with light blue and a distressed look to make it look as it has been forever in the family… you know…

I used 20mm pine (as many of my projects) and some wooden pegs. The board is about 250×400 mm and rounded in the top matching her existent design on furniture and cabinets in the kitchen. I used three layers of acrylic paint: White, Pink and Light Blue so when distressing all colors would show underneath each other

The owls were obviously printed and I decided to make a 3D effect by printing 2 copies each and gluing them with hot glue. I sent my kids out to look for a real wooden stick and they got a perfect one (Good job Boys!) but I used epoxy to glue it to the wooden board.

When finishing and showing to my wife, she added the feminine touch with those handcraft faux mini flowers and it looked pretty well

My mother was very happy with the gift and is hanging on the kitchen ever since… and possibly for years to come

Thanks for watching and for your valuable comments

- Man most valuable tools are his hands, his brain and the passion he delivers to his projects -

Very cool lots of great detail ,very nice work, A great gift.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I love owls too, I also collect them and I’m very jealous. I really wish I was your mom. Lol.