I just got back from holidays and my back is keeping me from playing in the shop even so I am itching to get going and the wife also has me on lite duty in the garden .
Today is a rainy day so I thought I post some of my older projects .
This is my mitre sled I made a couple of years ago and has worked out well .
The sled consists of a base with a runner attached to fit the mitre slot and also has a metal cleat attached to the bottom of the runner the rides in the T slot and keeps the sled from tipping of the back of the saw .
The fence is a perfect 90 DEG. and bolted to the sub base which can rotate on the base and is locked in place at the desired setting .
The top of the fence is a half dovetail shape which allows the corresponding stop blocks to be fastened .
Picture 3 showes the simple alignment procedure with a very accurate drafting square touching the blade body and fence .

The stop blocks have a piece of dowel attached on one face to keep the mitre tip from contacting the flat of the stop and getting damaged .
When cutting the pieces I cut the top and bottom using one face of the fence and the sides on the other .
This sled also allows me to cut mitres on frames which have different width of sides and top and bottom by setting the subbase to the proper angle and the combined sum of the angles will give a perfect 90DEG. result because of the 90 DEG fence .
See the picture that showes a frame of unequal sizing .


Super cool sled, I really like it.
Only problem is I now would like to build me one…
Best thoughts,

MaFe vintage architect and fanatical rhykenologist.

Very nice Kiefer. This will making box lids with miters much easier.

Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

You have an inventor brain Kiefer.
You always come up with something no one has thought of before.

This is a very nice sled. One more on the list.

Your next task should be a system where we can hang all these jigs and send them toward the ceiling out of the way :}

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


What a great sled! I’m with lanwater: design a system to hang all our jigs. I’ve got a whole slew of jigs hanging at one end of my shop, but I need a system where I don’t need to get on a step-stool to retrieve them.

What a catch-22. I’ve got projects that need completed but these jigs might make them easier to build. What to build next?!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

Well that storage problem is not an easy one to solve and I just hand all my jis on a wall on the side whre mjy wife parks and they are faily save and out of the way but within easy reach .
Some of the smaller jigs get put in a drawer .

Looks great it’s a great sled to have.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker