London Plane


This one is for Jay, hope you find more of it!
Sorry not a creation, but it well may be if the talented Jay gets enough!
Happy woodchips!

Steve Tow


That is a beautiful example using London Plane, thanks for finding the picture.
I’m going back to the same place,
Hoping to find more. !!!


Thats supercalafragilistic cool. wow that grain is awesome. Wow

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Georgous grain.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

The grain looks fantastic.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

What a beautiful, beautiful guitar,great job.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

steve, im not clear on this, did you make this guitar or are you showing some wood you have acquired, but i will say regardless, this is a most beautiful piece, if you did make this, i would like to ask for more pictures , as i would love to see all of this, and thanks for following me, ill write you .

"the grizz" [''''']

That is beautiful! What kind of wood is it?


It is actually London Plane.
We actually got a pallet from Bosch Spark Plugs, that was made of this wood.
I had to “rescue” it.
I actually manage a Paint and Body shop supply store in St Cloud Minnesota, and this was sent from our warehouse with our freight.
I had to find out what this beautiful wood was, it turns out to be a cross between American Sycamore and Oriental Plane.
It was brought back from América to Britain, and from there to Europe, in the 1700’s, where there are 200 + year old trees now!
It is quite prized but common, some of it actually made into pallets!
I have several boards (sapwood) that are
quite a Brite orange, similar to Paduk, but
in almost a burl type grain!

Steve Tow

Thanks for your research Steve.
I’m saving my London Plane for something special.
I keep checking back where I found the pallet. It’s only 1 & 1/2 blocks from my shop. It’s a large industrial supply company. I’m sure they receive pallets from around the world


Hi Jay!
I did find some veneer for sale around, it
was very reasonable. It was not quite the
Quality of our wood.
Try London plane veneer or plane wood veneer. On ebay search.
I haven’t bought any of it, but have worked with veneer some. Veneer is a pain, But can be worth it…..
I’m saving my solid wood as well!

Steve Tow