From old air handler to wood stash


This building has 4 air handlers that were installed back in the 60’s when the building was constructed. They were shut down when they installed roof top units. They must have just replaced the motors & bearings because they look new. I’m keeping the 4 – 2 hp AMERICAN made motors & the fans.,sold $ 500 of copper & brass from them.
I will make another shelf unit with the four drain bases.
The 4 units measure 48"x 48″ × 19″d, I built a 2′×8′ base & made the bottom shelves 24" deep, the next one 22" & left the top one at 19".
Every piece of this project is reclaimed or scrap.
Thinking about mounting one of the blowers up on a wall & add a filter on each end.


Great score Jay, nice job. Congrats!!


Great job repurposing, everyone wins. Excellent work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Very smart thinking,good one.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

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