Mantel clock 8

This is the second English style wooden carriage clock that I made, and is almost a copy of my other 'Mantel clock 7'.

It is based on a style from the mid 1800's   .As I mentioned in my Mantel clock 7, the style is now often called a 'library clock', though traditionally its has been called a 'four glass bracket clock'.

The top sides and backdoor making up the four - the glass in front of the dial isn't included in the count!  As with my no.7, the top, side and dial glasses are thick bevelled glass.

The case is made from a mix of solid Jarrah, and cherry with veneers of cherry, and some box wood stringing. It has the same elaborate period folding handle as no.7.  I also houses the same Hermle ting-tang movement.

The clock was a commission, and a gift from Triumph Car club members, hence the inscription on the back, to a colleague who moved to Tassie. 

Thanks for looking.

Nice, and beautiful, the trim layered up is wonderful.

Main Street to the Mountains

Good call on the beveled glass. These clocks deserve it!