Oak shelving.

Asked to make these from a picture they found. I took a chance and bought some oak and used a blow torch to the wood.  Came out surprisingly cool.  By request. Need to add more info. ;). Bought 6 red oak boards about 8ft long 6 to 8 inches wide. Cut them down to 3ft and glued using pegs. Sanded down using 60 grit to 120 grit. Took the small benzmatic torch. And slowly torched the wood. (I didn’t have the larger torches)  I didn’t completely burn it black, just enough to darken the grain. Next sanded some more, 80 grit to 320grit. Used gunstock color stain then used a satin lacquer.  Once put together I polished it up with some Howard polish feed-n-wax. 

I need to create something!

Very cool. Tell us more about your process (burn, stain, finish) please.
I like the way you used the pipe and fittings. Definitely should be solid, and the wood came out real nice. Great job !!!   Mike

Interesting process with staining following the burning.  Matches with the metal uprights.  
Thank you. 

I need to create something!

Thanks for explaining your process. I was curious if you stained them or burnt them first, and what you burnt them with.  Your process makes so much sense now. I made a cedar-lined blanket chest out of oak about 10 years ago and it's missing something. It's too plain. This may be just what it needs to make it look like it was salvaged from an old barn or something. I love everything about this. Thanks again for posting the details.
Oh wow

I’d love my entire kitchen to be decked out with this shelving !! 

Gorgeous; functional, rustic, yet modern 

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Very well done Galvipa.....every thing looks better with Howards!!!!
