Puzzle Board and Trays

Ghosts of Christmas Present
Project a week no. 324 (year three, projects no. 27-31)

Our coffee table is just barely big enough to work on a puzzle - if we use box lids or baking trays for most of the pieces (there is not enough room to spread them all out), and are willing to go without the use of the table for days/weeks at a time. It’s generally not ideal, but is the best option we have.

This puzzle board, is sized to nest over our coffee table, so it can’t get knocked off, provide a generous 2x3 field to work on, easily be lifted off and slid under a bed, or moved elsewhere.

I also built 4 matching trays for sorting pieces, size to fit on your lap, and nest perfectly within the overall puzzle board for easy moving/storage.

The frames are mahogany, rabbeted and dadoed to fit the 1/4” MDF and felt for the larger board, 1/8” hardboard and felt for the smaller trays. The felt is attached with spray adhesive. (I learned you need to hit both faces for the bond to actually work). The larger board is screwed together at the corners in case the felt ever needs to be replaced (Kelly Green in case I don’t remember), whereas the smaller ones are glued, and pinned together with bamboo skewers for dowels. 

Remembering a time as a child I received what appeared to be a giant piece of mail - a crazy large letter addressed and stamped with a huge Ernie stamp (it was a chalkboard) The packaging totally blew my mind, and I thought this gift was the perfect time to revisit that packaging... SO in addition to my wife's gifts under the tree… there was this HUGE Christmas card from me. My daughter gave me the idea for what to draw on the stamp and let me use her Copic markers too. First time I tried them, and I love em! (I know I’m late to the party, but move over Prismacolor, those are awesome!) Sepia pen for the line art, and a reasonably accurate representation of one of her favorite stuffed animals that usually serves as our tree topper. As you can see it doesn’t matter how large your Christmas Cards are, they’re always just 25 to send!

1 board + 4 matching trays = 5 projects. My "project a week” (on average) challenge, my rules.
