3 Love Spoons - 3 Different Styles of Carving


I carved these over several years before I retired. Carving is a great way to relax after a stressful day in the office. The example on the right is the simplest form in that the twining of the stems is only indicated with highs and lows. I left the center example rough and unfinished – the balls in the cages are free and the square chain links move. The smaller spoon on the left is more complex in that the twining passes are completely separated and carved in three dimensions.

Your love spoons are beautifully carved. Looking forward to seeing more on the Celtic theme :)


Nicely carve spoons! I especially like the one in the center as it has so many fun details on it. I also love the spoon itself. Very well done.

Here’s a photo of my one and only carved spoon I did several years ago. Not as nice as yours and It doesn’t have a finish on it, so it looks a little rough, It was fun to do.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very nice carving guys, great work.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thanks for all the comments on my carving. I’ve also visited all of the creations from all who commented and I am especially impressed with the Celtic carving, the toys, and the furniture – beautiful work! Most of the folks on WoodworkingWeb are more talented and skilled than I, and arthritis in my hands is making it harder to do intricate work, but I certainly enjoy trying.

Impressed by your work. You have got Great Grandaddy Capehart’s skill.

Granddaddy could whip out projects in minutes that take me hours to make. He died a couple of years before I was born, but the works I’ve seen have been impressive. I betcha he didn’t bleed nearly as much as I do! His fiddles were beautiful, though I never had the opportunity to hear them played. I don’t know where they are now. Aunt Gerry is the last one who might still have an example, but if she does, I’ve never seen it.

Unique and wonderful.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker

I love these so much!! They look Celtic!

Yes, I'm the weird girl who does pyrography...:) Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop at www.charleeabelles.etsy.com !