Craftisian Blogs

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Hi there. I have a small problem, I promised my self never to become a collector, but… My rules are; I can only have one of each. I need to use it,...
Oh you thought the windows on that house was crazy check out the door in this small bathroom. You have to love creativity. Lol
This interview, with Jeff Vandenberg is from March 2015 1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin? it ...
This interview with Jack is from April, 2015 1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin? My woodworking...
This interview, with Thorreain, is from February, 2015 1. What is your “inspiration story” — where did your interest in woodworking all begin? My i...
We already have two great entries so it’s time to up the prize. Now you can win a $100 online gift card from your favorite online shop instead of a...
Last year I made two carving knives and when I was on holiday I did the first attemt to do some chip carving. I liked carving in front of my carava...
I’m sure your workshop spring cleaning is already done :) So this might be a great time to share your favorite hand tools collection with us. Some ...
Even in South Central Texas, we have a fireplace in the house we had built in 2006. Almost went with a large window, but went with the fireplace in...