WoodworkingWeb Awards: Bookmatching #1: Announcement


This is part 1 in a 2 part series: WoodworkingWeb Awards: Bookmatching

This time we have teamed up with Lee Valley Tools.

Theme: Bookmatching

See the grain, slice the grain, re-glue the grain, creating a mirror-image (book-matched) piece of wood art that you use for a box, a door, a sculpture, or whatever your creative heart desires!

Click here to visit the Awards pages.



One Winner (random draw)

  • WoodworkingWeb T-Shirt

Entry ends on July 24, 2016 at 6 PM GMT.

Help us Spread the Word by clicking on your favorite social networking button on the Awards page.

Click here to visit the Awards pages.

Good luck and have fun!

Martin Sojka, Maker of Craftisian