The Shop #2


It was a crazy busy summer, no time to work on the shop much less create anything it.

Made this storage unit using scrap & pallet wood . Each shelf is from a different type of sheet material.
The 2 end units are 24w x 17d x 56h. The overall length is 15’

I glued & screwed 3/4 × 1″ cleats under each shelf for heavy load protection.
The shelf across the top is 3/4 plywood with a layer of knotty veneer plywood that I retrieved from a pallet. I glued & screwed both sheets together, staggering the joints. Glued a1x6 to the back edge for suport which is bolted to the wall.
I put a clear coat finish on all.
The next step is to cut out a 8′ × 10′ 6" opening in the wall between the shelf units.



More storage=more space for new tools:)

I have been thinking to redo my shop for a while now. My main problem has been organizing my tools. They are everywhere now.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Nice job. I’m halfway through a multi year shop reorganization myself.

Losing fingers since 1969

Ianwater, I like that idea. More space for more tools. Someone called me a tool junkie. I like collecting tools as well as I like using them.
Thanks Bruce !!!
Thanks Brian, I’ve only been in this shop 2 years. I have casters on most of my stuff . I’ve done a lot of moving around, have been slow to fastening something to one place.


I love the use of the old desk!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thanks Thorreain, it feels pretty good sitting in the soft chair using the scroll saws.
I’m going to make a new drawer for it one of these days.


It’s always a great feeling to get things organized and stored away. It looks like you made some really big progress towards that. Great work.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thanks Mike, I plan to make more progress this winter during some of those snowed in days
