Hydraulic crane (T and J) #1: Crane boom


This is part 1 in a 4 part series: Hydraulic crane (T and J)

A while ago I started another T and J building process. And from that what I think might be interesting I will make a blog entry.

According the plan the boom of the crane is equipped with spacers. But when the humidity change also the fitting will change. Therefore I made (wooden) springs. The boom is made out of ash. And ash is great for making a compression spring.

Thanks for watching.-



That is impressive , what type of crane are you building . I love cranes , I run a 25 ton Grove for years . I never ran a tower crane , but one day I want to make a scale model of one . Can’t wait to see your finished crane


Great technique Jan. It could also be used for and extendable lamp for example.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very cool. What type of wood are you using? Being that the parts are very small or thin are you still using normal woodworking equipment?

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Engineering in full swing…

You are taking it to a whole new level.

Great work!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Thanks all.

Weaties the crane I,m building is a Liebherr ltm 1070-4.1 from T and J :http://toysandjoys.com/126-the-hydraulic-crane.html

Jeff the wood I use is ash. The equipment: Bandsaw 16" , drumsander 16", drillpress and a very powerfull disksander 20" on my lathe. See also my shop


Nice. Well im loving it. More pictures as you go. Thanks

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Very cool. Yes ash is one of the more flexible hardwoods out there.
Enjoy watching our work.


Tor and Odin are the greatest of gods.

This is interesting and I will be watching this as you go along .
I love how you made the boom tube assembly and the design may have applications elsewhere so I will put that in a special drawer for further reference .


Dutchy – went to the web site . That is really an impressive project . Keep the up dates coming
