Tool give away


I spent the day cleaning up my woodshop and I dug this old tablesaw out from a corner. My father inlaw gave it to me many years ago and it belonged to his father. It is from Saskatchewan and is around 24″ × 24″ on top and 37" high. It runs and runs very smoothly. I would love to make use of it, but I just don’t have the space as my business is picking up and I need to be more efficient in the woodshop. If there is anyone in the Alberta area or anyone that just wants it please contact me and all it would cost you is either shipping or a drive over to Calgary to get it. Here is a photo of it…

My Woodshop is my happy place?

Well, I can’t just throw it away so I’m going to have to make it into something useful. I’m thinking about a dedicated double sided disc sander. With a different grit on each side. I’m open to suggestions and ideas if anyone out there have any to share? It is very solid and heavy. Around 150 lbs. and runs with no vibration at all.

My Woodshop is my happy place?

The double sided disc sander would probably be useful. I have the sanding disks for my Shopsmith and like them. However I expect the current arbor speed is too high. Ideally, any modifications should be reversible as you might want to turn it back into a saw one day.

Troy in Melrose Florida

I’m sure there’s someone who could use it.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker