Old Sargent Planes #1: A type 1 #414 restored.


This is an ebay find. I took a chance thinking it might be a type 1. This time it paid off.

The before:

And the now:

It’s complete and all look parts are period correct.

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - https://timetestedtools.net and https://diy.timetestedtools.net

Very sweet indeed! Nice touch up on the toe as well.


Turned out very well Don, +1 on the tote.

It did pay off.

I bought 2 number 6 on ebay and one came with the side broken. The seller posted more info after I bid and I did not pay attention.
Oh well it’s still usable. the second one I gave to my friend as a gift.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA