Patio Table #1: an idea is born


This is part 1 in a 1 part series: Patio Table

  1. an idea is born

Two years ago our glass patio table broke; last year, we did without a patio table; this year I want one again and so I started checking out the flyers.
Oh my … those prices make me want to build my own. (And by that I mean “help Rick build one”).

We have made several benches that everyone loves – and they are so comfortable. I think I’d like to somehow put backs on them and then build a table.

Not sure how we’d add a back to this .. or if we’d just pick a different style.

Anyway, the table. Now, I haven’t mentioned this to Rick yet (he’s at work, right now) but I’m sure that we will make one because he is a wonderful partner and lives by the “whatever you want” philosophy :D

My question to you isAny tips, strategies, suggestions, warnings re: making a patio table?” *

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

oh, and … I love rustic!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

And the bench seat is curved for the butt! Cool! Mikey likes it!


I don’t have any tip or strategy for you but since you have the benches already it most like out to be in the same style.

Like mike said, I like those curves too.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Yes, curved benches…very comfy

Re same style….other than using cedar again, I guess using that framework on the side would make it look like a set

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Now that you posted the Patio table idea, It reminded me that I have been wanting to make one since I built my pergola a couple of years ago.
Last night, I went through pictures I collected over the years and found one that has been on my to do list that I have been pushing away.
I think I will try it this summer.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Looking forward to seeing the pict impure and the build

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Me and my boys just finished a bench . . . . with no legs . . . aka a porch swing. I’m with you, I need to make a patio table to go with it.

Making sawdust is what I do best!

I look forward to seeing your finished table.

Mine is on hold until after Rick is done working .. and then he has some golfing to catch up on .. THEN it will be my turn

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit