WoodworkingWeb Theme: Green


March is the month of St. Patrick’s day and, thus, the colour “green”.

When I think of green, in relation to woodworking, a few things pop into my head — I think of woodturning and the use of green wood; I think of the colour green, of course and stains/dyes; I think of … for the life of me I can’t remember the word — simple bowls, spoons and other kitchen utensils; and I think of live edges.

A quick look through our Creations showcase and I came up with these creations that, for me, represent “green”.

What do you think of when we mesh “green” and “woodworking” together?
Show us your green!!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I see green as fresh wood planks harvested from trees, wood bowl blanks freshly turned from logs that have been recently downed and waxed up put into brown bags or put into a controlled atmospheric area or just sealing the ends of logs to stop the quick dry of ends of logs to allow even expelling through the bark or wood planking to stop cracking.
Green also could be someone who has no experience and just getting started in woodworking. Moreover, the experienced woodworkers trying a new area of woodworking like intarsia, veneers and vacuum pressing, or lathe turning as examples.
Another area of green could be working with chemicals as pressure treated lumber. Thats soaking wet at times. Or aging wood.

Thanks Ms Debbie and happy St. Patrick’s day to you.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Here’s a green baby rattle I made a few weeks ago. More of an experiment. Contains popcorn kernels to make noise. Finished with dewaxed shellac with some green food coloring mixed in. It didn’t penetrate as well as I’d hoped and some has worn off already. But it’s still green.

Losing fingers since 1969

Green to me is a description of my woodworking skills, Including getting my shop organized. Countless days have come and gone when I go there planning to work doing that only to end up working on a project. I spend more time correcting mistakes than building. And let’s not even talk about things like dovetail joints! Color me GREEN.


How about using/reusing something witch would otherwise just be discarded. This was made from old French doors and moldings my uncle pulled out of our local transfer station.


great “Green”-ness!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

  • not green but green turned birch burl

oh my .. yes, that would be “green” .. a very beautiful green!!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

Green is when a fresh cut blank is mounted on the lathe and I take a carbide tool to peel round. The wood comes off in long wet strips. The ‘chips’ fly all over. That’s green!
