Weekend Wonders: Wonder Blunders


I wonder … what has been your biggest “wonder blunders”? Those “oops” with big lessons attached — and, of course, what you learned from the blunder!

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit

I remember the band saw box, that the drawers wouldn’t open all the way because the blade wasn’t cutting at anywhere near 90 degree… I assumed that after setting it up it was good to go. (not so)
Now I check that band saw before turning it on and check each cut. Plus I learned to check every piece of equipment that can move or wiggle.


great minds think alike … too bad I hadn’t checked the forums before I posted this.
check out this discussion: https://woodworkingweb.com/topics/213-admitting-our-dangerous-and-dumb-mistakes-might-help-others

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit