The Stanley 444 #3: Let's Make a Joint!


This is part 3 in a 3 part series: The Stanley 444

  1. An Overview
  1. Set Up
  2. Let's Make a Joint!

Under the guise of 'sharp fixes everything,' I went after the cutters with a vengeance after the first couple of blog installments to ensure the angles and the edges of each of the cutters were as sharp as possible. With that complete, and the narrow cutter installed in the main body, it's time to take things to the next level and actually complete all the steps of completing a dovetail tongue and groove joint. Start with a knife line and a batten to cut the initial groove.

Side walls look great!

Remember that each groove is a two-part operation, as the bevel 'slope' is only cut one at a time. So, flip the board, set a second batten, and finish cutting the groove.

Flip the bevel fence around, add the fence arms and square fence to cut the tongue

And the joint is complete.

Might be one of the better examples I've cut with the Beast!

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

Looks like a nice tight joint! Great example!

May you have the day you deserve!

Quite the fun read. Thanks Smitty.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

Hang around Smitty to much you end up buying planes you never knew you needed.