WIP: Afghan


Last year, I didn’t do any decorating for Christmas. This year, I purchased a new tree (CanadianTire.ca) and, then, found some gnomes at Costco that matched beautifully.

Although I hadn’t crocheted in years (I don’t know how that happened), my stash of yarn was crying out to me, “make something”.

Enjoying my little Christmas display, I decided to make a lapghan to match the apron on the girl gnome.

I designed it, using the GoDaddy Studio app (previously Over) and, then, Stitchboard.com to turn it into a graph pattern.

I have to admit that it took me 24 hours of researching crocheting and ripping out and re-doing to figure out how to best create the snowflakes. Embarrassing!!!
I still think there is another way, but the intarsia-type strategy worked.

I had wanted to do a Tunisian crochet “in the round” but the apron design begged to be a straight afghan. So straight Tunisian it is.

My next challenge was that I was using leftover yarn and I soon ran out of the grey. Now, remember that it has been years since I used that yarn and, somehow, I had to incorporate new yarn into the Afghan, with the two versions of grey.

Last night, with normal light, I couldn’t see the difference when I did a test section. This morning with the camera flash, yes, there is definitely two batches of colours. So here I am … in normal light you can’t really notice….. when the light is right. Definitely!! What to do; what to do…

I had originally thought of doing a couple bands of red, which would separate the two greys. Good plan but since I couldn’t see the difference, I opted to just keep going.

This morning, I’m having to rethink my plans.

I am NOT going to rip out all of those rows, so the new plan is to create a snowflake textured design in the grey. I think that will look cool, capturing attention to distract from the colour change.

That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it … until I decide otherwise. Like I said – work in progress!


Well, that didn’t take long – I ripped out the few rows of attempted snowflake pattern and put in the original idea of rows of red. I’m happy.

Now, the afghan is about half done, as I want it to cover me from toes to chin!
This is one of those times when I am grateful for being short!!

Re: the grey colouring, even if the change in colour does show up under the right light, it will be part of the pattern design… ish.

I love living a life of “ish” – troubles just don’t seem to carry a lot of stress with them.

Back to crocheting ….
- Debbie

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit