Woodstock Wood Show


I was at the Woodshow again this year and thought I’d do some Facebook Live Chats.
I was hoping that I could just post them here but not working.
Here are the links:

1. In the door

2. King Canada (speaking with the Vice-President of King Canada)

3. Bosch

4. Wood — beautiful beautiful wood

5. Chainsaw Carving: Carver Kings

6. Thames Valley Woodturners Guild

7. My Wish List >>> anyone want to make me a present!! :D :D
(The Woodpecker) handcrafted Solid Wood Furniture)

And some photos, as my connection wouldn’t work inside the buildings.

Rob Cosman

Excalibur Scroll Saw


A Carving Winner

And another carving winner

And this fun one — interesting that, earlier this week, I dug out my Pinky & The Brain t-shirt and was wearing it this week.

Tri-County Carvers

And one last video.
This was at the Lee Valley booth, just across from Rob Cosman’s demo with planes, as well as some power tool both.
It was interesting, standing there trying to listening to the gentle, meditative swoosh of the plane but having the loud roar of a power tool, in the background, drowning out everything.

So that’s it … next woodshows: Kitchener Ontario and Hamilton Ontario. Maybe we’ll see you there!

(On a side note, a few things that I found interesting! )
- I’m not sure if I was super-sensitive, but I noticed that I waited a fair amount of time before display reps connected with me.
- and, once connected, they were quite uncomfortable at the thought of doing a Live Chat video. One person actually declined.
So, here’s a hint: if you are going somewhere where you will be talking with the public, talk to the public — and don’t assume – everyone who there is a possible client or opportunity!

((stepping back off my platform))

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit