Thanks for the info! I've not had reactions like this before, using shellac or lacquer. I only wanted to grind the top surface, and don't usually use solvents to strip finishes. Yep, I'm allergic to bee stings. Last time I got stung (58 years ago, that could be worse now?) my hand swelled up so big I couldn't move it! Didn't have breathing problems, though. Pine doesn't seem to bother me beyond a nuisance dust level. I may be insensitive to poison ivy. I tangled with it once, and washed within 10 minutes, but never noticed any rash. That was probably not long enough for serious effects, though. Castor oil strikes me as a likely culprit, given your information. Next time I work on an old piece of furniture I'm wearing a moon suit! 😁

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer