These wheels are especially bad. They were definitely a new shipment because they were out of stock when I stopped by HF a few days before and when I went back, they had dozens of them on the shelf. They may never stop smelling. I left them in the sun for a while and it had no impact on the smell that I could detect. I've had them for more than a week now, sitting in my shed, and I can smell them as I walk up to the shed.
I am seriously considering replacing the 10" wheels with casters make it easier to maneuver around tight corners. For the rare times that I will need to tilt it back to roll it over a lip, I think that the weight will be manageable with care. If I do, I will go with 3" steel casters because I have had several instances where the plastic ones have disintegrated after a few years which would be a PITA to switch out and I don't need non-marring wheels on my concrete floor.
--Nathan, TX. Hire the lazy man. He may not do as much work but that's because he will find a better way.