Thanks for the comments  Corelz125 and Pottz. At least I’m generating comments. Your probably 2 nice guys or Wild and crazy Guys when you face to face with the person. 

I was wondering if you 2 could give my marvelous project a couple likes and tell all your friends about it.

I was looking on line and there are actually comments stating. “Why is my coffee drip cone so slow. Maybe Martin can post this on line to help these people with their pokey coffee cones.

Again thanks for all the attention and spicy comments.

And Pottz there’ll be no cutting heads off here. And why do you cut off snakes heads.

Corelz125. If you don’t know your history especially the bad parts your bound to repeat you mistakes.

I’ll be looking forward to more of you kind and generous comments.

Best Regards
Dr. Quackner.

Dr. Quackner