Ron Stewart
 commented about 1 hour ago
Ross Leidy
commented about 2 hours ago
Ron - I have that Laura Veirs album.  In fact, I'm going to play it on my computer as I respond here.  

That's cool, and a little unexpected; she's not exactly a household name. I saw her in person in 2016 as part of case/lang/veirs at the Ryman in Nashville. We sprung for first-row seats, and I could literally reach out and touch the front of the stage. It was a fantastic show.
It's hard to beat concerts with those kind of seats.   I can't say I'm a super-fan of her, but I heard Drink Deep somewhere, and that led me to get a few of her albums.

 commented about 1 hour ago
We really enjoy seeing your weaving techniques.  You've acquired a great combination of skills.  And your finished projects are always perfect.
That's very kind, thanks.  I think the weaving is informed by some long-lost skills I learned as a kid - crocheting, knitting, macramé.  It definitely more of a physical task than the woodworking part.  I've got a few sore muscles after finishing the bench weaving.   😀  (final post to come)