Making Dowels

8 entries

1 Introduction

 I do different kinds of joinery and sometimes use dowels. In addition, I use dowels for making hidden flush hinges. The problem is that store boug...

2 Drill and push through steel flat bar

Another similar simple method to the one I currently use is to use a 1/8" x 1" piece of flat bar from HD and push drill a hole in it. You then make...

3 Hammering through a holed plate

The next one is simply drilling holes in flat bar stock. Again I used  1/8" x 1" x 6" piece of flat bar from HD. As before, you cut your stock to ...

4 The Chisel Method

The chisel method is one of most accurate ways to make dowels. Don't get excited. Read on. Basically you drill a hole of the dowel size you want t...

5 Table saw method

This method is a jig that's fits over the table saw blade. It is made with input and output dies that will make 1/"4 - 3/"4 dowel. Here are my part...

6 Router Method

There are two ways of making dowel on the router.  Using a fence and round over bit or a jig /die setup similar to the Table Saw method. USING A ...

7 My Current Method

My current method is using my Dowel Maker . Please follow this link and feel free to make comments. Stock is cut just slightly larger than what y...

8 Conclusion - Which is the best IMO

Here are the methods of making dowel 1. Drill and push through steel flat bar 2. Hammering through a holed plate 3. The Chisel Method 4. able saw ...