Stanley 45 Combo Plane Overhaul

7 entries

1 A New Pretty :-)

This blog series is migrated here from another site.  So there may be some out of date remarks or references to posts in the comments that don't ma...

2 General Cleanup

It was evident that the rust present on this plane was mostly just surface rust. And I didn't really want to do a rust conversion because that woul...

3 Awwww Don't Be Blue

KelleyCrafts suggested that maybe this plane would look good if it were blued. I thought that was a great idea! Blued steel looks nice usually and ...

4 A New Tote and Knob

I didn't have a lot of time to spend with the #45 this weekend but I did carve out a couple of hours to make a new tote and handle [Image] The orig...

5 Just Some Little Bits

First, I'll toss this in here. I should have included it with the other wood pieces in the last entry but I forgot. I kept the original Rosewood pi...

6 The Home Stretch

I had a little bit of cleanup left to do. I put a couple of coats of Tru-Oil on the knob and tote. I also had the cam rest from CL810 that I hadn't...

7 Does It Work?

Well, I guess we know IT works. The plane has been around for over a century. The question was, could I make it work? I haven't had any time to sp...