Building Some Chevalets, a Class Action

8 entries

1 Wood Gloat and a Little Glueing

OK, I’m a little impulsive but I work quickly so maybe I can pull this off. I’m showing my jewellery box at the Sooke Fine Art Show in a week and w...

2 Making Hand Tools with Power Tools

I would love to have the time to work on these chevys with hand tools without the noise, dust, and sharp whirly things but I’m on a mission here an...

3 Lots of Parts, Lots of Joinery

I guess I got lots done today although I didn’t get as far as I wanted to. (Do we ever?) There have been enough blogs on chevy construction and I’v...

4 Day Four ...... Seems Longer

Just a few pics today. I started off by cleaning up yesterday’s glue-ups on the column cheeks and generally tidying things up. Then I cut the reces...

5 "Furniture" Complete, Done for Now

Today I got the “furniture” pretty much completed. What remains to be made are the working parts of the saws and they will have to wait. Tomorrow I...

6 Slow Progress ..... but progress none the less

When I left off last time I said that the “furniture” was done. That wasn’t quite true and it took quite a while to finish the job. Because I will ...

7 Saw Frames, Clamp Springs, and Height Adjustability

Just a bunch of photos from the last few days to bring the project up to date. When I left off I was about to make the saw frames and the clamp spr...

8 More To It Than Just Pretty Chevalets

When I last posted in this blog, I had almost finished the chevys and was feeling about ready for the classes to begin. Well ……. that may have been...