Sweet Gum Plate

Over the past few months, I’ve been working on this plate. It’s made from sweet gum that RWE sent me. I started with a piece that was roughly 12 inches square (300mm) by 3 inches thick (75mm). I finished with a plate that is just under 12 inches in diameter, and about an inch thick, and which isn’t quite flat. Sweet gum moves a lot as it dries, and I didn’t account for this movement in my initial turning.

The thickness of the plate itself is under a quarter inch (6mm), probably closer to ⅛ inch at the thinnest spot, but I don’t have a caliper that can measure it accurately.

But I think the plate is finally done. The finish is tung oil and shellac, applied by french polishing, after a number of initial coats of oil. It’s food safe, but I don’t know that anyone will ever eat from this plate.

In my numbering of turned bowls, this is number 48.

Note that the plate is big enough that I had to turn the head of my lathe so the plate was parallel to the ways of the lathe, rather than the usual perpendicular alignment.

May you have the day you deserve!


beautiful plate dave, that sweet gum is sweet !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Another beaut Dave!

Don't discount it ever being used, makes for a great table centerpiece or 1000 other uses (except for plant pots, don't do that! 🤔).

So you used a tool rest from the floor or does your lathe allow for a reach around?

I've noticed the ability of many lathes to work external to the bed, but not having a fixed tool rest would make me nervous.
That is a phenomenal peice, the colors and dark streaking  standout, as was your plan.  Right choice for top and bottom in my view.  Finish is perfect.

TimV, "The understanding eye sees the maker's fingerprints, they are evident in every detail, leave Fingerprints." James Krenov

Good looking plate, Dave. Great grain in it!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day


Plate looks fab.  Wood grain and color wow. 

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Great looking plate.   Wood and finish is really good..  


Really pretty!  Nicely done.
A very nice turning Dave, great grain and color in the piece, and a wonderful finish. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Splint, the HF lathe has ways on both sides of the head, and I did a reacharound. Here’s pretty much the same setup on the juniper bowl I sent off on a previous swap.

Thanks, all! It was a ton of work, and I backtracked more than once as the sweet gum kept moving on me. I think I scraped / sanded finish off at least twice as I thinned and flattened the plate again. Then once I got the inside done and turned off the mortise in the base holding it in the Cole jaws, I of course wanted to do one more thing on the inside, but now had no good way to hold it.

Learned a lot on this one, but eventually I was pretty happy with it.

May you have the day you deserve!

Very nice Dave, looks beautiful and can be a centerpiece for any table. 
Seeing this has renewed my interest in lathe work, something I've not done in several years. Thanks for the old proverbial boot in the rear.
You use interesting wood & you have skill to make it cool:) Good job.

No name noobie here

Looks great job well done,Dave.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Thanks, guys!

Tom, if you need further kicks in the butt, let me know. Happy to help ;-)

May you have the day you deserve!

Turned out nice, if you'll excuse the pun :)
Well played, Mike.

May you have the day you deserve!